Wednesday, 23 December 2009

my school holiday

Now is my holiday from school. when it is my school holiday, we can do everything we want. we play out side and I watch T.V all day. and we had A fun day and my mom want to buy A black car.


  1. hello bis boss..
    Holiday doesn't mean you can do anything you want. Remember, mummy still in the house to observe everything. By the way, i thought you are the one who gonna buy me black car? hahaha..

  2. man. its true what mummy said. by the way im very impress on you as well..starting to have yur own blog..i sure have 1 blog for myself one shud teach me how to create my blog...

    By the way..who is going to buy a black car ? i also want those 1..

    love u much..
    n my man u made me proud.
